Welcome Baby Blue

Client Birth Stories - Central Texas Midwife - Austin, TX

Blue, Born 2-28-22 at 42 weeks with my partner and two midwives.

It was my first birth and it was everything and more.

30 hour labor and this little chunk came earthside at 1:05 am at 8 lbs exactly. Nothing truly could have prepared me for the labor. It was hard and I would do it again and again. The sheer raw power I felt after source rocked through my body for 30 hours is incomprehensible and I will never be the same. I actually didn’t recognize myself in the mirror for two days. It was the strangest experience 😅 🦋

My mantra was moaning and the words “I am strong”.

I was in silence for most of my labor until the end when the animals sounds were coming from my mouth. It was a magical experience and I don’t think time existed for me. I was purely present.

Catching her in my arms was the most beautiful moment in my whole life.

I will never ever forget it.

I love you, Baby Blue.
