Doggie Doulas

Lots of people ask me about their pets, specifically about their dogs and labor. Most dogs do great; either close by and watchful or they stay far away. Some dogs however, even the sweetest ones, get protective of their laboring parent and can become aggressive towards the birth team. I’ve been snapped at, attacked and bitten (once) at births by dogs I knew well prior.

It is best to have a backup plan for your fuzzy family members. This way, if needed, someone can come and get them. This can be a stressful time for dogs. And worry about your dog can be stressful for you in labor. Even if you are sure you’re pup is going to do great, it’s best to have a backup plan just in case. Better to have a plan and not need it than scrambling in the moment to put one together.


It’s called a fetoscope!


Colostrum Harvesting!